Thursday, January 26, 2012


happily after has never been more engraved in my brain than what was today. happily after IS real. And it WILL happen for me. no matter what. today I realized happily ever after is a choice. a complete choice. now thats freedom.

Lately, I have hurt. In ways i never thought i would. But I am slowly finding out its cause God loves me. Its a tough lesson. One I havent been anxious to learn... I have actually been putting it off. Initially I was very pissed, I emphasize on VERY. But I am coming to realize that everything in this life can leave at any moment. nothing is promised. and along with that there is always going to be some one bigger, better, faster, smarter out there. you have to fight. You have to fight for what you want most. if not you will always be the victim. and at that point its no one elses fault but your own if you havent found happily ever after.

I read this talk well over a year ago, when my heart was still aching over Hayden leaving. Today though I listened to it on my phone as I got ready for school, and the words spoke by President Uchtdorf held such new and deeper meaning than it did before. I realized that because of the trials I have experienced, I have grown, I gained a new perspective. One that helps me further understand the love of our Heavenly Father.

Isn’t it remarkable to know that our eternal Heavenly Father knows you, hears you, watches over you, and loves you with an infinite love? In fact, His love for you is so great that He has granted you this earthly life as a precious gift of “once upon a time,” complete with your own true story of adventure, trial, and opportunities for greatness, nobility, courage, and love. And, most glorious of all, He offers you a gift beyond price and comprehension. Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all—eternal life—and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own “happily ever after.”

Isn’t that what we all desire: to be the heroes and heroines of our own stories; to triumph over adversity; to experience life in all its beauty; and, in the end, to live happily ever after?

Now, my favorite part.

It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life’s story will develop.

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