Thursday, January 19, 2012

I almost died.

All is well up here in the north pole. The snow isn't eating me alive like I thought it would. I actually am still obsessed with jumping in the mounds of it as I'm walking to class. I have discovered that campus totally resembles Hogwarts when it snows. Its quite magical. The other day when it was snowing I made the comment to my roommate that it was 'coming down hard'...she just laughed. I think that means that it will get worse...much worse than what I saw. haha, I'm seriously such a newbie to this weird weather, but its all kinds of fun. I love walking everywhere, its not so bad not having a car, the other night it was 7 degrees when I walked home!!! And I was in leggings not skin is getting tougher!

Anyway, so I have a small story, and when I say small I mean long, so here it goes...Like the majority of college students I'm poor. I eat 3 poptarts a day. that covers all my meals. I have even managed to slow down on drinking soda...notice I didn't say stop. I will always have some quarters for some yummy diet coke. Today was a sad day when I wrote a fat check to the school for some left over fee's I didnt anticipate. You can see where I'm going with this. I am going to have to get a job. So, the mall isn't as hopeful as an option as it was before. NO ONE is hiring. Jamba juice is right across the street from me, but I'm still avoiding turning in my was my LEAST favorite job. But everyone has been telling me about this plasma donating gig. Its really cool, lemme tell you how it works. You give your blood for one hour, twice a week and you get MONEY...50 MONEYS!!! I was sold. So I marched myself down to the plasma clinic 2 days ago. This was game on. I wore my heavy boots so I would weigh just enough to get through the doors...oh and kept my coat on. They pricked my finger, aint no thing, I didn't even flinch. The doctor man felt my heart beat all over my body, asked me some extensive questions regarding sex to make sure I wasn't "dirty" blood, tested my pee, and two hours later they let me into what I like to call now the Blood Room. I was totally calm. And things got even better when my phlebotomist was a total babe. We made small talk, he asked me what arm I wanted to use, I cutely said "You choose:)"...things were going way well. He inserted the needle, I was cool, and I started squeezing the tennis ball they gave me. I just kept telling myself "its one hour Jack, thats cake"...I even caught myself humming phlebotomist liked that. I'm like 6 or 7 minutes in, and all of a sudden I feel starving!!! and then I realize im not starving, my stomach just feels funny... and then I felt really cold...So I got phlembotomy man, and just as I got his attention he started to look funny...or should I say fuzzy. And he was talking to me. But I couldn't hear him. Thats right I passed out. It felt like a 20 minute nap, with dreams and all. The only thing that brings me back to consciousness was the taste of vomit in my mouth. I had puked all over myself. I open my eyes and i have like 3 people in lab coats surrounding me. I wanted to die. The guys are all trying to clean me up...I begged them to just let me do it... I mean it was on my freaking pants! Worse part is they keep me hooked up to the needle for another 15 minutes to give me back my blood. Clearly I needed it, haha. I cant even describe to you on what level of disgusting/embarrassed I felt. I asked them what the heck happened cause I mean this is partially their fault! They didn't really offer too many reasons on why my body freaked, they just said I am "deferred" from their list now.

Just a couple hours on the job and they already laid me off. At least they were nice enough to send me off with a severance pay. I think it was a more "get the heck out of here" check.

I love that I always have these way awful experiences. I have come to the conclusion that I am Freak Girl. I will never be the "cute one", the "smart one", the "normal one"...I attract catastrophes. Always. I just pray that this experience was enough to hold me off for a while.

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh so hard! Your brave to even think of making this your job. By the way, I'm sending you some poptarts :)
