Today was Valentines Day.
WooHoo, I partied so hard. No but seriously I
didnt get out of bed till 12. Not because it was Valentines Day but because I had to lay so still, just in case the UPS man came with my computer I bought online! Which he
didnt come till 5,
fyi. But, some exciting things happened in between that time.
its 12:05, the door bell rings, I spring out of bed and its a pizza delivery guy, not the UPS guy, Im immediately bummed. He says "are you Jackie?" Im like "yes, what of it?"..."here is a heart shaped pizza for you!". Wow. not very romantic, but very filling. I didnt complain. But who on earth is going to send me something so...weird. Pizza isnt very "cute". So im going through my list of the 10 boys I know here who MIGHT possibly be so inclined to do such a thing. I had nothing. All the boys I know are like my brothers. no way no how. Unless its some creeper in my ward. Because lets be honest this person has to know my address. So then I think my tutor(s)? There is no way they look at me like that. So I ex-ed them off the list. It seriously freaked me out, But at the same time Im beginning to get a little narcissistic, and start to consider that someone actually thought I was a babe who absolutely needed pizza to fill my tummy for lunch. I'll admit, I got flattered. It didn't last too long though. I had a hunch it was Chea this whole time. And it was. I finally eeked it out of her at the end of the day. She played super dumb for awhile though, she even called me and helped me go over some boys that it might possibly be. I dont know if I should love her or hate her for that.
Eh, I'll love her for that. this day is 100 percent gay. (such a politically incorrect term to use, but my brain is too tired to think of something clever).
It is nice to know that I am loved though. Oh and not forgotten, thats an important one too, thanks Chea.