Monday, October 4, 2010

Hey everybody its October!!!

Well, I am pretty stoked that this month is October, because A. that means its fall, and B. this month Hayden hits 5 months gone. I havent really updated since I got down here, just cause I dont have the internet at my house, and to be really honest Im pretty occupied with school. I will sum things up though since august. Cheer has been treating me good, the games every weekend keep me busy. Some days I feel like a wash up though haha, its definitely time for me to retire some time soon. School, is pretty stressful and stress free at the same time. I really only have one math class that requires my full undivided attention every night in the library. I make sure that I stay on top of that at all times, because I dont have my tutor anymore to keep me going. As far as thatcher goes, I still love it. Its become a home to me. But the more the semester goes on the more me and Dan and Missy just laugh that were here. We feel like a bunch of creeps. Its just not the same place it was last semester, but I totally called that one. So its all good, we keep to ourselves and manage to still have fun down here. The future plans sound a little like this...get done what I can down here while Im still on scholarship, and then possibly trying out some Utah.

Anyway, as far as my sweet missionary goes he is doing great. no surprise there. I hear from him twice a week, in an email and in a letter. and I love that, I feel so blessed to still have him so close to me. I definitely have progressed these past couple of months, that dull aching pain in my heart has slowly subsided. Im not as emotionally torn up, I just take it a day at a time, and somehow I get through the days, I seriously cant believe I have finally arrived in October, I thought these days would never come!!There is still a hole in my heart, some days in the week it hits me hard, and I just wish I could talk to him, but I am doing my best. Im pretty sure that I wouldnt trade or re-arrange any of the experiences Im having now...ask me that in the summer and I wouldve punched you. But now It all feels pretty 'meant to be'. It helps to hear how much Hayden is growing, I can see the Lord working through him and changing him for the better, truly grateful for that, and because of that I could never wish that things would've worked out differently than they are now.

I do believe that sums up this semester so far. Not too bad eh? Time is ticking, and that makes me happy, and not only is this month the five month mark, but today is only 599 more days! Woop Woop!!!:)

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