Saturday, February 12, 2011

Elder Richards!!

Tell me he's not handsome!! The one on the right obviously!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guys, I have a major issue....


I feel great!!! Yes, initially its a problem, but I was not good at this job...I dreaded it...I was hoping to get rid of it (but afraid I would seem like a wimp) and it got rid of me! So now at this point, its finish out february and I'm done! and cheer is done too, so I guess now this means no excuse for bad grades. Things are still sweet down here, today it was 8 degree's...thats sick and wrong. Our house water pipes were frozen...I have never even heard of that happening. Oh and Hayden hits nine months this month...AND I'M STILL IN LOVE!!!!!! oh and so is he:) He is doing more than good, you would think his letters get shorter the longer he is out but they definetley get longer. He is such a blessing in my life. Anyway, so thats my mini update for 2011...BYU-I app is in, WAHOO!